In the Mood to Redecorate...

Good Morning Lovelies!
It’s Thursday—we’re almost there, I can see the weekend from here!!  So, I told you last week that J and I were going Antique shopping on Saturday.  We found a few really beautiful old, rustic pieces that we fell in love with.  One of which being a new suite for our guest bedroom that dates back to the early 1900’s.  Not many people our age love Antiques like we do, but I’ve learned so much about them from J and his parents and they really do make a home extremely unique.  And of course, you can’t get a new bedroom suite without redecorating the entire room…
Our guest bedroom has sort of gotten the “leftovers” since we moved in our home.  We’ve really worked hard and renovated every room except this one and I can’t wait to make it more inviting and cozy.  Whenever we stay with friends, I love when the guest bedroom is warm, so I can’t wait to do the same with ours.  As of now, the plan is to paint the walls, move out the old bedroom suite and in with the new (well it’s old too, but new to us) one, hanging a beautiful rustic shelf that J’s dad made us for Christmas, finding some type of rug and of course adding a little greenery.  I absolutely love having a home project to do!  J and I work really well together and have so much fun doing things like this.  As soon as we’re finished I’ll upload pictures! 
Here are a few photos that I’m inspired by:

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I love the rustic elegance of these rooms and their decor.  Hoping to take a few ideas from each photo and incorporate them into our room!  Have a wonderful day!

Friday Favorites


11 Things...