11 Things...

Happy Wednesday Loves!

One of my daily reads, Liz at With a little Style & Ease, had this fun little "11 Things" on her blog on Friday.  It was so fun I thought I would participate too!  
11 Fun Facts
1. I can touch the tip of my elbow with my tongue—some say it’s impossible, but I beg to differ!
2.  My parents got married in the same Church I did, 30 years before.
3. My dream job when I was little was to be a lifeguard on the beach.
4. I shared a room with my sister for the first 18 years of my life—I wouldn’t change it for the world.
5. I am obsessed with taking baths. I take at least 2, sometimes 3 a day.
6. I used to make coffee at Atlanta Bread Company as my “after school job” until I started working at Maya Tan.
7. Whenever I feel stressed, I shop. In person or online, either way works. :)

8. I have never been stung by a bee—knock on wood!
9. I have my Cosmetology License but yet I work in Accounting for a Country Club…I know it makes no sense to me either.
10. I watch so many TV Shows that I have to write them all down in my planner so I don’t forget them.
11. I didn't walk around very much in my dress before our Wedding Day so it looked like I was walking down the aisle in slow motion because it was a tad too long and I didn’t want to trip!

11 Questions
1. If you could raid any celebrity's closet, who would it be and why?
Really, I have to choose?  Lauren Conrad because I absolutely adore her girly, chic style.  But, also Rachel Zoe because she has more designer clothes and accessories than I’ll ever see in my life!
2. If you were a shoe, what would you look like?

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I'd look like this pretty Manolo.  Girly & Gold with sparkles and without a doubt—a bow!
3. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Being late, I absolutely cannot stand it.
4. Favorite song of all-time?
It’s so hard to choose…can I just say Country music in general?
5. Are you a dog person or cat person and why?
Dogs 100%.  Cats are too independent.
6. You're queen for a day.  how do you spend your royal 24 hours?
Well, I would start by sleeping in, waking up to a home cooked breakfast, picking out my wardrobe in my huge walk-in closet, meeting my girlfriends for lunch at a fabulous restaurant, then shopping at Bergdorf’s while handing off my bags to my own personal “carrying boys”, next going to get a massage while lying on the beach followed by a French pedicure and then changing in to my Dior gown for dinner with my King hubby in the enormous dining room in our Mansion. :)
7. What's the most delicious thing you've ever eaten?
I have to go with the cheese rolls from Jim and Nicks on King Street in Charleston—there’s nothing like them.  As far as sweets, Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory has my heart.
8. What scares you the most?
Drowning and being alone.
9. Which celebrity do you wish would drift off into obscurity?
The cast of Jersey Shore—I will never understand how they get paid so much money to act ridiculous and stay drunk all the time.
10. You're 16 again.  What advice do you give your younger self?
Don't take life too seriously.  Cherish the time with your girlfriends.  Drive the speed limit. DON'T date the same guy all through high school. Travel more.

11. What's your Starbucks order? 
A Grande, White Chocolate Mocha with Skim Milk and Whip Cream! At least the Skim Milk makes me feel a little bit better about the cals!
If you want to post this on your blog, I will do a link from mine to yours!  Have a great Hump Day everyone!


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