

The stretching and growing of each new season is what prepares us for the next. It’s what softens our hearts towards the uncomfortable and what allows us to feel some sort of calm within chaos.

For the last three years, an over-abundance of love has poured out of every part of me. I’ve carried, delivered, fed, calmed, and nurtured babies with every ounce of my spirit. This season has forced me to hit the pause button and given me the permission to just BE. I sat in the hard, chose it even, and fully embraced it. Three babies, two open arms. I felt as though I was teaching them, but actually, they were refining me and who I was made to be, FOR them. Affirming my strengths while loving me past my weaknesses, solidifying my boundaries and tightening my circle, and showing me endless grace as we figured it all out together. The hardest, most beautiful job in the whole world.

I have the fullest heart, but a mind and body that still need to be healed. A longing for actual rest and knowing what I need to recharge. In 2024, I want to focus on coming up for air and taking that deep breath, day in and day out. Early bedtimes and earlier mornings, knowing when my plate is full, taking care of my body and letting every scar + stretch mark tell my story, getting dressed for the day, being decisive and firm in whatever that looks like, opting for a change of scenery every now and then, less guilt and more grace — it all starts right here within the four walls of this space…it always has. I’ve been stretched and pulled apart to let the light in. A softened version of who I’ve always been. This year, I’m focusing on coming back to life.

Welcome to the new meganrunion.com.





Christmas in New York City