I N S P I R E D B Y .

ONE. // When I came across this image, it stopped me in my tracks.  Between the dark house and the flowers taking over the entry way, it's just stunning.  Almost everything in our yard is starting to bud and have a little new growth on it and I cannot wait.  It's so rewarding and satisfying to see your hard work pay off year after year as plants start to come back and bloom.  There's literally nothing better!  Two things that I'm hoping take over our yard this year, similar to the photo above, our confederate jasmine and our climbing hydrangea!  Both are looking really healthy and I just want them to thrive!!  Can't wait to see what they do this season.TWO. // Natural, glowing skin always draws me in.  There's just something about a bare-faced look that I love, especially when your skin has a little color and some vitamin D.  The sun can't shine long enough and the temps can't rise fast enough for me - I'm so ready for this pregnancy glow to turn into a REAL glow!  On that note, I didn't switch up my makeup routine this year for Winter, I simply kept my barely-there routine the same from Summer on.  As a reminder, HERE are all the products I swear by and use on a daily basis!THREE. // J and I are so excited to share some exciting news with you soon!!  We've been working on a little something behind the scenes for months now and cannot wait to tell you more.  Here are a few hints: this photo, bringing people together, and SPRING!  More to come - stay tuned!FOUR. // Always, always the goal.  Is it just me or does instagram (and social media in general) feel like such a whirlwind sometimes?  I'm not one to really get caught up in the small things, and especially things I can't control, but sometimes Instagram just feels so unrelatable.  I'm not even sure I'm supposed to say that, considering it's a big part of my job, but it's true.  Oftentimes it feels like a lot of big opinions, numbers that aren't real, and spinning situations or relationships to appear much cooler than they actually are.  I've always been a to each their own person, but even as an influencer - I struggle with it, too.  I simply want to remind you that it's okay to unfollow or mute people that aren't bringing you joy.  (In real life, too, for that matter.)  I hope + pray I'm never one of those people, but if I am in any way, I give you full permission. I was just talking about this with a few of my friends the other day and it seems to be such a common theme for women in a similar season of life.  Instagram doesn't have to be a place that sparks negative feelings - comparison, jealously, and feeling less-than in any way.  Don't allow it to be.  A couple of weeks ago, I asked on Instagram stories for y'all to tell me what you get or gain from my page and my stories.  Your responses were overwhelming in the best way.  The most common answers were: peace, calmness, inspired to want better not more, enjoying the simple things to the fullest, genuine relationships (especially with J), and wholehearted posts.  I may not have an amazing post every day and my numbers may not be skyrocketing in this season of life, but in that moment, I've never been more proud. That's all I've ever wanted - to inspire you in simple ways and bring a little realness into a world that can feel so jaded at times.  The last couple of weeks while feeling this way have been a really good reminder for me.  Post with a purpose when on my phone and put it to the side when it's not needed.  Focus on what fills your cup and mute the people that don't.  It's that simple and life is too short.  Okay, rant over.*All images sourced from my Pinterest feed.On that note, I wanted to share a few things I've purchased this week with you!  Whether it be for myself, the cottage, or Tiny, I thought it would be fun to share a few things I'm currently ordering and loving.  For starters, I was recently introduced to SKIMS by Kim Kardashian and I absolutely loved this set + their cotton underwear line. As my body is really changing right now, I've been trying out new lines of bras and underwear and so far, the SKIMS line seems to be adapting to the weight gain + new curves really well.  I'm embracing them to the fullest! For the cottage, I finally ordered this sweet, little birdbath for our backyard by the chicken coop.  It's such a good price and I think it will age beautifully outside.  And last, but definitely not least, I ordered this cute jumper for Tiny!  I love the color + the knit fabric - I think it will be so cute in the Fall with a white onesie underneath!I hope you're all having a good week so far!  J and I have been CRAZY the last few days between work, little things around the house, and a few plans here and there.  But, we were intentional about carving out time last night, just the two of us, and we FINALLY hung Tiny's light in her nursery and grilled dinner in.  It was perfect.  In the midst of our crazy schedules, we have to carve out time for just the two of us, it's so important and makes us better for all the other areas and aspects of our life.  Anyway, we're almost to the weekend, friends!!Thanks so much for stopping by, X.Meg


