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Now that our home feels back to normal and the holiday decor is put away for another year, it always makes me want to freshen things up a bit. Here are FIVE tips for making your space feel fresh + ready for Spring!
There's nothing better than vacuuming up the Christmas tree mess, dusting off those shelves that were filled with holiday decorations, and getting everything put back in it's place. My version of an early Spring cleaning! Make a little time for the things that rarely get done - dusting light fixtures, cleaning window sills, mopping the front porch - it all needs a little love this time of year.
Sometimes all you need is to simply switch things up a bit. After the decorations are gone, it gives you a fresh perspective to be able to see what needs to change. It can be as simple as trading out your throw pillows and switching out the photos in your picture frames or as major as moving around furniture and flipping your mattress - either way, it doesn't cost a thing to rearrange!
Those little things you've been holding on to for years that you settled for or the corner you've shoved full of things that don't have a place, get rid of them! There's no better time than the new year to toss or donate a few things that you no longer have a need for. Styles change - it's perfectly okay to let it go! The same goes for your closet - if you haven't worn it in six months (or didn't wear it last Winter), it's time to donate!
While we're on a roll, it's time to clean out the junk drawer we've had a hard time closing for the last 9 months. (Yes, we all do it!) You don't need 47 pens, multiple rubber bands, those batteries that probably don't work, or those receipts you've been holding onto since March. Toss it all and start fresh! Also, it's the perfect time of year to reorganize your bathroom drawers. We're all in a rush in the mornings, throwing things in drawers where they don't belong and convincing ourselves it's okay because we "know where everything is". Make a quick trip to Home Goods or The Container Store and spend $20 on a few organizational things that will make your morning routine way easier.
After the cleaning, rearranging, decluttering, and organizing has been done, we deserve a little something for all that hard work, right? Go get that vintage piece you've had your eye on for weeks now, but couldn't justify because it was the holidays. Order those new towels you need and toss the stained, shrunken, rough ones. Plant something in the yard or pot something new for your kitchen! Whatever it may be, spruce up your space with a little something that simply makes you smile every time you walk by it. Those little things that fulfill our souls each day - that's what it's all about.
Thanks so much for stopping by! X.