Today's Essentials

Good Morning Loves,

We all have things that we just cannot live without.  For some it's an ipod, headphones and work out shoes...for others, it's sunnies, a day planner and mascara.  Hey, we all have our thing.  So, on this {not so glamorous} Tuesday, I thought I would post a few of my daily essentials:
1.) My new 2013 Calender from Brittany Fuson Paper.  I am so in love with her art work and I'm using this as my day to day blog planner.  Sometimes it takes a little more organization for me to get my stuff together ahead of time and this baby does the trick!  If you haven't checked out her site, head on over-you won't regret it!
2.) My beloved Laura Mercier lip gloss.  If you haven't noticed, I literally wear this in almost every outfit post.  I'm trying so hard to branch out, but I looove this product.  My favorite color is Violet, but I've tried a few others and adore them all.
3.) These tiny little bow studs have become my go-to earring.  I love the simplicity of them and you can never go wrong with a bow!
4.) I know, I know, another bow.  But, did you hear what I said earlier--you can never have too many bows! Just ask Kate Spade. :) With this freezing cold weather we've been having here in SC, these {genuine} leather gloves are a must.  They also come in this beautiful bordeaux color.
5.) What would I do without my oversized gold watch?! By far, my favorite accessory and definitely something I never leave the house without.  It's one of those things that if your house caught on fire...okay yeah, you get the point. :)
6.) These are my new babies.  I contemplated buying these for so long and finally got them a few weeks ago--they're amazeballs. Period.
7.) My Stella & Dot Renegade Bracelet is another daily favorite.  I wear this right beside my watch every day and absolutely adore it.  Even though it has spikes on it, it's so comfortable to wear!
8.) A sweet friend of mine recently sent me this chic Starbucks sleeve.  I died the moment I saw it!  I'm obsessed with coffee {especially Starbucks} and gold {if you haven't noticed} so this had my name all over it.
9.) Kate Spade bobby pins. Need I say more? I'm the girl who is constantly changing her hairstyle 8 times a day, so carrying around bobby pins is a must for me.  I also love these fun colors for laid back beach days.
10.) I'm a true MAC girl at heart. 85% of my daily make up is by MAC Cosmetics and I can't get enough of it.  They're always coming out with fun, new things and I don't think I ever grew out of the "play in your make up" stage. :)
11.) This mint green nail polish quickly became one of my favorites! You can wear it any time of year, but I especially love it in the Spring and Summer with a glowing, sunkissed tan. 
12.) Last but not least, my favorite Mascara.  I'm a mascara junkie!  I feel like I've tried just about every brand and type out there and this is by far my favorite.  I never leave the house without mascara!
What are some of your daily essentials that are not on my list?  I'd love to check them out!
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!



All in the Details...