Coffee & A Quilt...

Good Morning Loves,

Top: Forever 21 (similar), Tank: Ann Taylor Loft, Jeans: 7 For All Mankind (similar), Belt: Forever 21 {gifted from Katherine :)},  Watch: Michael Kors, Earrings: Nadri, Bracelets: Loft + J. Crew, Necklace: Diana Warner New York, Rings: Kate Spade 'Mini Spades' + c/o GlamRock Designs, Lips: Laura Mercier in Violet.
Not the typical Wardrobe post...but, I hope you all had a great Holiday weekend!  With Tailgating, the Clemson Football Game {which we won by the way-Go Tigers!} and the start of September, it's really making me ready for Fall.  Yesterday was rainy and dreary in Greenville, so it was the perfect afternoon to curl up on the front porch with coffee and quilt for a little relaxation before our guests arrived for dinner.  A little cool air blowing outside, the smell of dinner on the stove and my new scent for Fall filling up the house made for a quaint evening. :)
Have a lovely day!

{Valentino} Leopard Love


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