Rockin' the Braid...

Good Morning Loves!

Well, just that quick it's Monday again.  We had a really fun, but super busy weekend!  
I know braids have been back in style for a while and some say they are over the trend, but I personally cannot get enough of it (with the right outfit of course)! :)  A side braid is so perfect for the beach in your favorite bikini or loose and curly with a fun maxi.  There are so many different ways to rock a braid, but here are a few of my faves:

side braid
side braid
side braid.
Side braid
side braid
Side braid.
fishtail side braid.

Lauren Conrad - braid
lauren conrad braid

(LC is the master of braids, love her style! :))Have a lovely day!xoxo,Meg


Tuesday Ten


Friday Favorites