The Beginning...

Hello Lovelies!
I’m welcoming myself to the Blog world—I reeaalllyyy enjoy keeping up with Blogs and always want to put my ideas on the spin of things, so I thought I would start my own.  Join me while I document my daily life through my passion for family and friends, fashion, decorating and traveling.  For those of you who don’t know a lot about my life, here is a quick summary on the past couple of years to get you caught up.  I have been married to the man of my dreams for a little over 2 years now and this is where it all started…
This is where we met:
This is where we shared our 1st date:

8 Months later, we got Engaged here:

On October 17, 2009, I stole his last name:

We Honeymooned here:
We bought our first Home: 
We adopted the cutest puppy you've ever seen in you life, Lola:
We shared both of our Anniversary's here, in our favorite City:

And now we’re here! My sweet Family is by far the best thing that has ever happened to me.  Now that you know a little about me, check back soon for all things Lovely…  :)


Sailor Chic